12th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation


Is accommodation available for participants?

Yes, accommodation is available. The conditions for accommodation will be announced later.

How will the papers be presented?

The conference will be held in a in-person.

How many papers can be accepted for everyone as the corresponding author?

A maximum of 3 papers.

How many papers can each author be involved in as the main or co-author?

A maximum of 6 papers.

Where will the papers be indexed?

Presented papers will be indexed in ISC and IEEE, and will be available on the IEEE website.

What are the indexing requirements for IEEE?

Papers must be written in English and prepared and submitted according to the template available on the website.

Is the fee for Persian and English papers the same?

The fees will be announced soon in the Fees section.

Are there page limits for the papers submitted in English?

Yes, English papers must be a maximum of 6 pages, and Persian papers must be a maximum of 6 pages.

Will the certificate for papers presented orally differ from those presented as posters?

No, the certificates for paper presentations will be the same.

Is early review of papers (before the announced review result date) possible? 

No, the review results will be announced after the final meeting of the review committee on the date specified in the system.