12th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation

Guide for Authors

In order to standardize the collection of articles of this conference and also for the possibility of combining and transferring their computer files, it is necessary that all the articles should be prepared and typed with the same design and completely coordinated. This guide will help the authors of Persian articles to prepare their article with the accepted plan of the conference.

Ensure that authors' names and affiliations are removed from the submitted PDF file. The PDF file must be anonymous and without names of authors and affiliations.

Important points in the text of the copies sent to the conference secretariat

When submitting articles, the following points must be observed:

* Use Farsi words, combinations and plural nouns (such as: as much as possible instead of even as much as possible, fast instead of fast, mentioned instead of the aforementioned, reaction instead of reaction, style sheet instead of recipe, tables instead of tables texts instead of texts, signs instead of signs or symbols, shapes instead of shapes, pages instead of pages)

* Should and must (regarding the present and future tense) are used instead of the incorrect use of must, must and must (regarding the past tense).

* separate words should be observed (such as: centimeters instead of centimeters, shapes instead of shapes, photos instead of photos)

* The article file should be in such a way that it can be easily opened, printed or delivered to the printing house if needed. The pages of the articles must be numbered and the number of each page should be placed at the bottom and in the middle. The secretariat is exempted from reviewing and publishing articles that are not prepared in accordance with this policy, and the consequences of sending such articles are the responsibility of the author.

* Dear authors, please note that all correspondence related to the articles will be done only through the announcement on the website and email of the conference.


English Paper Template

LATEX Paper Template

فرمت فارسی ارسال مقالات